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What does the term “digitalisation” refer to and what is HAKOM’s role?

Digitalisation includes four basic units: digital infrastructure, digital skills, digital business and digital public services. 

HAKOM’s role is primarily related to digital infrastructure – encouraging its construction, collecting data on VHCN networks, regulating the electronic communications market. Digital infrastructure is the basis for digital businesses and digital public services. 

Digitalisation for businesses based on digital infrastructure enables big data sharing, cloud computing and the development of artificial intelligence (AI). 
Digital public services refer to the use of e-solutions in public administrations that enable a faster, better and simpler service for all citizens. A special focus is on eHealth, where the aim is to provide all EU citizens with online access to medical records.  

Digital skills include basic digital literacy skills that need to be raised at EU level to 80 % of the population and specialised skills related to ICT professionals.