Preskočite na glavni sadržaj

Novom uredbom o roamingu Europska komisija produžuje trenutno važeća pravila na još 10 godina


Uredba omogućuje kvalitetniju uslugu i znatno produžava razdoblje korištenje roaminga bez dodatnih naknada tijekom putovanja kroz zemlje članice EU-a.

ZAGREB, 25. veljače 2021. - Europska komisija je u srijedu, 24. veljače 2020.,  predložila novu uredbu o roamingu kako bi građani i dalje mogli koristiti roaming bez dodatnih naknada tijekom putovanja kroz zemlje članice EU-a. Novom uredbom trenutna će se pravila, koja su trebala prestati važiti 2022., produljiti za još 10 godina s tim kako će se korisnicima omogućiti još kvalitetnije usluge. Naime, korisnici će imati pravo na jednaku kvalitetu i brzinu veze s mobilnom mrežom kao u svojoj zemlji, na područjima na kojima postoje slične mreže. Nova pravila osigurat će učinkovit pristup hitnim službama, bolju informiranost o alternativnim načinima pristupa za osobe s invaliditetom, a korisnici će biti informirani i o mogućim naknadama za korištenje usluga s posebnom tarifom u roamingu.
Više informacija o novoj uredbi o roamingu dostupno je na poveznici.

For additional information please contact:

Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM)

  • Roberta Frangeša-Mihanovića 9 Street
  • 10110 Zagreb, Croatia
  • Tel. + 385 (0) 1 700 70 07
  • Fax + 385 (0)1 700 70 70

Media inquiries can be submitted online using HAKOM’s official website:

About Hakom

HAKOM - Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries – ensures preconditions for a fair market competition, stable growth and environment for innovations in the electronic communications and postal services market. HAKOM protects users’ interests and the possibility of choice among various communications and postal services at affordable prices, defines sustainable competitive conditions for operators and service providers under fair conditions for return on investment, and provides support to economic growth, public services and the quality of life in the Republic of Croatia by using modern technologies. HAKOM’ strategic goals are: to promote regulation of the electronic communications and postal services market, to support growth of investments and innovations in the electronic communications and postal services market, to provide efficient use of limited resources, to accelerate the growth of broadband products and services, to provide affordable offers of communications and postal services, to provide protection and informing of users, to build an efficient and comprehensive information system, to define and implement efficient processes, and to acquire multi-disciplinary expertise in market regulation.